February 2021 /Unlocking The Matrix

February 26, 2021

Dear Raising the Vibe Members and friends,

I am often amazed how the synchronicities in the Universe play out. Today was one of those days when I realized that two of my favorite spiritual teachers, Oracle Girl (Jacqueline Hobbs) and Darshana Patel both did talks on how Identities keep you locked in the same night that Robert and I presented a similar subject to Raising the Vibe. This made me sit up and take notice of the importance of this subject as we all are trying to raise our vibration to find peace and joy. Thought I would share with you here.

I also wanted to invite you to check out our updated website Raisingthevibe.org. We have added free meditations to the front page as well as included all of our recent video presentations to this home page for easy access.  



Darshana Patel IDENTITY from a Vibrational Perspective


Rebecca Paris

Executive Director, Raising the Vibe

Gene Keys Guide


