Divine Neutrality: A Way to Inner Peace
"Divine Neutrality", Oil Painting by Rebecca Paris
Fighting never leads to peace
Neutrality seems contrary to some of the things we have heard all of our lives, like we have to "fight evil" or "wage a war" on drugs. We take a position that we think is right. In fact, who would take a stand not thinking it was right? This begs the question of how we can all be right when opinions are in direct opposition with others? Belief systems, most of them inherited by our family, continue on unchecked until we get an opportunity to question/deeply examine them from a fresh perspective. As some of the great sages have said, when we are “against” something it just creates the same negative force in our own lives. Countless times rebels have fought established governments for freedom, and when they successfully overthrow the dictator, they become a different version of the same.
Fragmenting into smaller groups causes more polarity
Our society is more polarized than ever. We are being separated into smaller fragments which satisfies our need for belonging. However, this is a danger to our well being. As we find belonging in a group, it oftentimes is set up as being against another group. This has played out in our human history for millennia as we divide into tribes, political affiliations, and religious belief systems. Who does this divide and conquer strategy serve? Hint: Not the vast majority of humanity!
Detachment is the way to peace/enlightenment
How do we find peace in the world today? The answer: exit the game. It does not mean you need to leave the world physically, but consciously become the neutral observer and then transition to a compassionate witness. We are here to leave the false matrix behind and move to the organic, divine matrix of reality. I believe that this is what the Buddha and Christ were trying to get across in the following statements:
We have been playing in a world of duality: good and evil, light and dark, right and wrong, and so forth. If we hold our position too tightly and are unable to see the opposite perspective, we are subject to being a pawn in the game of life including its often inhumane rules, forces and attraction fields. When we supposedly are the “good guys” and fight evil, we set up the polarity of playing tug of war with the dark forces. We essentially keep the dark alive by engaging with it. In contrast, what happens when we let go of our end of the rope? Perhaps the darkness is encompassed by the light. By not battling, it could lose its separate existence altogether. Divine neutrality is not uncaring, but able to heal the world by synthesizing the opposites, in addition to being a pathway to enlightenment. You can’t be mind controlled if you don’t play the game. Therefore, to be detached from the outcome and not “of" the world, invites in more God force and true power!
Be the observer of your character (ego self) not identify with it
You are more powerful than you think. By doing your own balancing of opposites, you act as an acupuncture point for earth and humanity to serve the whole. To be divinely neutral means to switch to an observer perspective and see the world more like a movie. You can think of the outer reality movie as the software on a computer and the Self (your Divinity) as the hardware that is eternal but is running a program.
This necessitates integrating the ego (small self) so that it doesn’t feel separate from the whole. We are not the fish in the sea, but the water it swims in. When we stop identifying with the small self, we end suffering and realize our wholeness and interconnection with all of creation. When we step away from being a character in the movie and feeling all of their emotions and traumas, peace can be obtained as we embody our true Self, the one watching the movie (conscious awareness).
How to become neutral
Neutrality is the same as Christ Consciousness. It does not take a side, but witnesses the duality of the movie with compassion and pulls in the extremes. This is similar to the neutron (God force) bringing the masculine, (electric/electron) and the feminine (magnetic/proton) back into balance.
According to some Zen masters, the way to peace is neutrality by practicing:
This does not mean you don’t stand up for yourself, because discernment, self love and boundaries are key to this process as well.
One of the reasons the Gene Keys continues to have appeal for me is that each unique profile illustrates the main perceived opposites that we are tasked with taking on in this lifetime. For example, my Life’s Work in the highest frequency is Unity (Gene Key 2) which is the prime feminine key, which is balanced with my Evolution (challenge) Key, Beauty (#1), the prime masculine key. It is essentially balancing being with doing. When we balance these forces within ourselves we are able to get to the highest viewpoint to be able to see that all is working just as it should be in the world and that unconditional love is the underlying fabric of the universe. We just need to remove the shadows (ego belief systems) to see the underlying essence of creation. To learn more about your Gene Keys, you can download your free profile at Genekeys.com. If you would like guidance interpreting it, please book a session with me at rebeccaparis.com
Divine Neutrality is not an uncaring, boring stance that just sits on the sidelines, but is the most powerful position on the chessboard called life.
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About the Author: Rebecca Paris, formerly Rebecca Becker, is a former advertising professional and VP of Marketing for United Way of Atlanta as well as an artist. She is the founder and Executive Director of raisingthevibe.org, and is now offering her services as a one-on-one Gene Keys and Spiritual Guide. The Matrix Resurrections Unraveled, to unpack the nature of our reality exposed in this latest Matrix movie. She has also co-authored the course Awakening to the Real You. Contact her through rebeccaparis.com to schedule a session or to purchase or commission a portrait or original art.