KNOW THYSELF: Recognizing Your True Self Through Forgiveness and Love
6:30 pm Arrivals and Social Time
7:00 pm Presentation
8:30 pm Adjourned
Jen Shimalla is a spiritual and life coach, Reiki Master and author of Heaven Cent. She has certifications in Biochemic Tissue Salts, Angel Card and Mediumship, and a variety of other spiritual discipline certifications.
*Finding joy when we feel so uncertain* Learning who we truly are despite our day to day thoughts *Knowing our ego thoughts and how they affect the world we see *Living in harmony with our human-ness and our spirituality *Finding peace in a world that appears to be less than peaceful *Recognizing our attachment to the “self” concept and form
Contact Jen at (912) 572-4267 ~dolifeinspired@gmail.com~www.dolifeinspired.com