April 2021 Newsletter/Power to Choose Again

April 10, 2021

Dear Raising the Vibe Members and Friends,

Happy Spring! It is always nice to see new growth coming out this time of year. This is also a metaphor for each one of us (hopefully) as we wake up each day and integrate the learnings from the previous day or week and forge ahead in a world that is changing rapidly. Some days we are proud of our progress and choices and other days not so much. The beauty is that we have the power to "choose again" each minute how we treat ourselves and others and view the world at large... letting go of the old and constantly becoming a more authentic you. Speaking of authenticity, I have always loved this quote:

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." - Mahatma Gandhi

Please join me in welcoming our newest Raising the Vibe Business Members, Andrea Austin and Bill Little with Clearly Conscious in Canada. They are leaders, explorers, and pioneers in the love-based consciousness realm who have created and share easy-to-use, practical love-based technologies to help strengthen the energy field for practitioners and clients alike. The purpose of everything they share is to help strengthen the energy field and help each of us embody love/the soul more and more every day. Check out https://raisingthevibe.org/practitioners-resources/ for their contact information and our other trusted Business Members and Practitioners.

We have always heard that the eyes are the window to the soul. Here is your chance to find out what your eyes are saying about you. Please sign up soon for this Tuesday's event on Iridology, with Dr. Demetry. 

Blessings and thanks for your continued support of Raising the Vibe! Don't forget to join or renew your membership in order to help us continue offering free Zoom programming and website content.


Rebecca Paris

Executive Director, Raising the Vibe

Gene Keys Guide


