April 2022 Newsletter

April 17, 2022

Dear Raising the Vibe Members and Friends,

Happy Easter!  As we celebrate ascension today, it is a good time to reflect on releasing the blocks that hold us in the small self, so we can ascend to higher consciousness.  A key to integrating the parts of us (shadow selves) that are circling the lower vibes is being present and attuned to what is showing up in our daily life. When we feel a strong emotional reaction to something, it is a clue that our subconscious wants us to recognize a wounded, fearful part of ourselves to integrate back in so we can become whole. Detachment and surrender are good ways to do this. Check out the blog below.

Also, I wanted to share a Ted X Video by friend and business member, Peter Lombardi. Peter did not stop at award-winning architecture. He realized that to thrive, communities needed to address the social, economic and ecological aspects as well. Check out Peter's innovative approaches that go way beyond sustainability.


Rebecca Paris, Founder and Executive Director