December 2021 Newsletter/Facing Your Fears

December 7, 2021

Dear Raising the Vibe Members and Friends,

Happy Holidays! Wishing you the best as we join together in the magic of the season, connecting through our commonality rather than letting our differences divide us. 

The world has definitely changed. Oftentimes, our level of stress and suffering is dependent on how much we try to cling to the old instead of going with the flow of the Universe. The Hopi elders remind us of the following:

"There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water."

Going with the flow does not necessarily mean blindly accepting the mandates of those in authority. It is about finding the deep connection within yourself, as a sovereign being, and allowing nature's global intelligence system to guide you on your personal course. This is about constantly checking with your gut on decisions you make.

Thanks for your support this year of Raising the Vibe, a nonprofit connection hub for expanding consciousness. Raising the Vibe will continue to be a source of awakening through authentic examination of what is before us and truth. We are here to provide self actualization tools, holistic healing and conscious community practices, which can be found on the website, In addition, we have several business members/holistic practitioners listed  here to help you navigate your way to a more joyful, connected life.

As a reminder, Raising the Vibe Business Member, Robert Novak, a master intuitive and personal development consultant, is holding Free Zoom circles Monday - Saturday, from 11- 11:30 Eastern to help you Be Calm during these trying times. He guides the group in strengthening body energetics to weather the storm. To join and learn more, please click the link in his email below under Community Partners. Here is the recording from December 7 to give you an idea of what it is like. 


Rebecca Paris

Executive Director, Raising the Vibe

Gene Keys Guide

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It is important to note that we all have fears. Some are positive and keep you from legitimate harm, while others are negative and only cause your body harm because no real present danger is imminent. In addition, our mind may be telling us that we are fine and have handled the stress, but our body is saying something different. We often don’t even realize we are in adrenal stress causing all sorts of physical ailments including anxiety, fatigue, and inflammation to name a few. I personally didn’t realize my body was in acute adrenal fatigue several years ago. I just got so used to dealing with a heightened level of stress that it became normal. It is often that slow constant distress that is caused by an imbalance in life. If this is you, check out the article Stillnessinthestorm, for more insight.