My desk lamp (from Pottery Barn) is an inspiration…really, read on. What unconsciously attracted me is the strong iron core from base to top that connects to the light. It is made of transparent crystal signifying honesty and integrity with nothing to hide. What you see on the outside is what is on the inside, no distortions. My light is deeply grounded in the earth, but connects strongly upward. Even though it’s transparency can be vulnerable, it is protected with the hard crystal, not allowing energy that is not suited to penetrate the field.
It is an inspiration to live like this but is definitely not easy in the world we occupy today. The natural world just grows and does not have misconceptions of who it is. It connects with its source energy and becomes who it was destined to become from the seed, assuming the environment is not too toxic. Unfortunately, humanity throughout time has taken on many distortions and is conflicted on how to proceed. What you see on the outside in most cases is not what is inside.
More than ever we are unsure how to behave with so many contradictory messages coming at us…what is safe and what is not and who is to blame. It is so tempting to take a side and blame another group for all of the things going wrong in the world. In addition, you may feel like you are constantly swaying in the wind with others trying to persuade you to do one thing or another. You start to believe one thing from the media or a friend’s opinion and then face the contrasting opinion the next day and want to hang your head not knowing what to believe or how to act. If you go along with something because you are pressured by a friend, family member or boss, you are not going with your own intelligence system but theirs or another often hidden force that may not be in your best interest. You will one day realize that you can never please everyone, so it leaves only one alternative and that is to please yourself… the highest part of you. This is a problem because most of us don’t know who we are at the core because we have disconnected from our own “seed” or unique blueprint. Consequently, we will not feel truly safe unless we connect to our own source and take directions from a higher power, whatever that means to you. For insights about getting back to your inner child, check out my blog, Back to Becky and Bobby.
So who are you really and how do you know? What is the essence or light hiding behind your roles and identities? You are not just a mother, father, spouse, teacher or accountant. You are an infinite spark of the divine that is here with your own soul blueprint as an independent and interdependent part of the whole. Unfortunately, we don’t recognize our unique seed or the other unique seeds in the garden because our light is literally covered up by labels, roles and ideas of how we must behave in this reality. Your mind tells you all sorts of stories that keep you in the lower vibes and lock you in to shame, blame, guilt and fear. What if you were able to put the ego aside to see who you really are at the core? For more on this check out the Raising the Vibe presentation, The Secrets to Unlocking the Matrix.
A key to finding your true, authentic self is listening to your body. It inherently knows what is good for it and is life promoting. The logical mind, with its many benefits, is also short-circuiting your intuitive knowing and urging you to go along to be like the rest in order to preserve your safety. This fear-based program urges you to stick with the majority or tribe so you don’t get left behind to starve. It is fear based, not love based. This mentality is stifling your unique, core self that wants to create, play and bring its brilliance to the world.
Once we rise out of most of our fear, the next hurdle is the balance between self-love (not selfishness which is different) and love for others. The two seem contradictory at many levels of consciousness until love of self is so strong that out of that place of deep connection we can be the strong tree that others witness. In the mirror of you, they can love themselves by connecting with the deepest part of themselves. If you don’t have self-love and have not worked through and integrated your own subconscious patterns of inferiority, your roots will not be strong enough to support yourself or anyone else. I have witnessed some on the spiritual path put all their attention in the branches, reaching for the sky, where all is love and light. However, without fully seeing and integrating the subconscious belief systems, core wounds and shadows that make our roots weak, the tree will either be cut off at the base by another’s energy or become too top heavy and fall because the roots were not securely grounded in earth.
One of the keys for me is to take frequent pauses during the day to center, ground and take some conscious breaths. Connect in with your body and do a feeling check. When you come to a description of what is going on, ask yourself what may be contributing to your current emotions. Every decision you make should be from your own iron core alignment. Ask yourself, “how does this decision feel in my body?”. The Gene Keys, in The Art of Contemplation, reminds us to pause and breathe to give us space, pivot to change our emotions, and eventually breakthrough the shadow to find the gift. This is all done with extreme gentleness that allows us to feel our fear, see it for what it is, and move through it. Link to the Gene Keys for more information. I am now a certified Gene Keys Guide and can help you navigate this if you feel called.
I hope this helps you find your iron core that is strong and straight. By choosing honesty and integrity consistent with our own alignment, more of that light can shine through as we move more gracefully through this painful phase of our planetary awakening and next phase of human evolution.
About the Author: Rebecca Paris, formerly Rebecca Becker, is a former advertising professional and VP of Marketing for United Way of Atlanta as well as an artist. She is the founder and Executive Director of Raising the Vibe, a 501 (C)(3) nonprofit, and is now offering her services as a Gene Keys and Spiritual Guide. In addition to blogging, Rebecca has authored the free Ebook, The Matrix Resurrections Unraveled, to unpack the nature of our reality exposed in this latest Matrix movie.