July 2021 Newsletter/Compassion

July 15, 2021

Dear Raising the Vibe Members and Friends,

Compassion... the definition in the dictionary is "sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it." I absolutely believe compassion is a key way to create a better world, one person at a time. I have also learned that over-doing it can be unhealthy if we don't have enough compassion for ourselves and fill our own cup first. We may turn bitter towards another when we over-give and deplete ourselves and don't feel we get the recognition we so "rightfully" deserve.  I believe the healthiest type of compassion is living in your authentic joy and purpose which will by default spill over. When you raise your vibration, it will help everyone on the planet and especially those closest to you. If you dwell in someone else's pain, it is not serving you or them. The key is learning to "hold space" for another without having to get on that roller coaster with them. 

Compassionate Atlanta, our most recent Business Member, is a grassroots community-building non-profit which seeks to raise awareness about the benefits of compassionate action throughout the Greater Atlanta area. They take compassion one step further by teaching and encouraging people to channel their concern for the wellbeing of others into tangible action. Check out Compassionate Atlanta and our other Business Members here in our Practitioners section.

If you missed our Holistic Healing Panel discussion, it is well worth watching and sharing with others (below). Also, please sign up now for our next event on Hearthmath®.


Rebecca Paris

Executive Director, Raising the Vibe

Gene Keys Guide


