Why did you start this organization? How has it grown or changed over time?
RTV started as a non-denominational spiritual book club in February 2018 with about 8 members. Led by Rebecca Becker, the group soon grew to over 20 members and began a closed group Facebook page named Raising the Vibe. Through a network of friends, RTV invited the Atlanta-based author of one of the club’s books to speak at the meeting in January 2019. Thus the “RTV Speaker Series” was born. Soon thereafter, the monthly book club meetings morphed into the “RTV Small Groups,” which are more intimate gatherings with lively discussions. By the spring of 2019, the group leaders felt inspired to go a step further and create a non-profit organization with the goal of developing mindful leaders in our community. RTV’s 501c3 status was finalized in April 2019. On May 6, 2019, RaisingTheVibe.org was launched.
Can you tell me about the work your organization does and the program or programs you run?
The RTV Speaker Series hosts five to six speakers each year. Past speaker topics have included Non-Violent Communication, Mindful Parenting, Facing Death with Love, Releasing Past Trauma to Find Your True Self, and the Principles of the Enneagram. The RTV Small Groups select four books to read each year. When the groups are not discussing a book, they still meet every month to explore various topics of interest. We tend to choose topics and books that reinforce the themes of mindfulness, self-awareness and our inherent connection to all that inhabit the earth. Both the Small Group meetings and the larger Speaker Series events foster the development of a meaningful community and help individuals uncover their unique gifts and purpose in life. Additionally, a weekly intention group was formed by some of our RTV members. The group is based on the model put forth by Lynn McTaggart in her best-selling book, The Power of Eight.
What is the organizations overall goal?
We are a non-denominational group of seekers who study, explore and experience what brings peace, joy and fulfillment to the human spirit. We strive to create, support and sustain mindful communities. Our goal is to be part of the global dialogue happening now, that encourages mindfulness in our world, our countries, our neighborhoods, as well as within our families, our closest relationships and our own hearts.
Is the organization open to residents outside of the Peachtree Battle Neighborhood?
Yes, we welcome anyone who resonates with our mission and would like to be part of our RTV community.
Is there anything that you wish more people knew about your organization or the issues you are trying to solve?
We would like to develop and support mindful communities that recognize the interconnectivity of all of life and the importance of a win-win mentality versus a win-lose model. We believe that there can be no outer peace without inner peace. To state this another way, the only way to change the world is to start with yourself, or “be the change you want to see in the world.” To quote Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
Where does most of your funding come from? What percentage of your budget comes from private donations, and what do private donations help you to do that your other sources of funding don’t cover?
We are a brand new 501 C3 organization with minimal expenses, run by volunteers. At this point we are solely reliant on donations from the people who attend our speaker events or who donate through the website. We hope to raise money to cover the ongoing costs associated with building and maintaining a robust RTV community.
How can people join Raising the Vibe if they are interested?
We would be very pleased and grateful to welcome new RTV members and supporters! Just go to raisingthevibe.org and click the JOIN US button, or click the DONATE NOW button to support our mission. For inquiries about getting involved with our Speaker Series, Small Group Book Clubs, Power of Eight Intention Groups, or any other information about RTV, please email us at info@raisingthevibe.org.