The title of this blog, inspired by the Black Eyed Peas 2003 song, seems more relevant than ever right now. Remember the chorus?
People killin’, people dyin’
Children hurtin’, hear them cryin’
Can you practice what you preach?
And would you turn the other cheek?
Father, father, father, help us
Send some guidance from above
‘Cause people got me, got me questioning
Where is the love?
As I look around the world at large, it is a fair question. However, no matter what the collective conscious (or more aptly the collective unconscious) is creating, you can tune your antenna to a different station and dramatically affect the world by elevating your consciousness. What I keep realizing is that attitude is the key (see poem below). For every event that happens in our life, we have the power to reframe it in it’s highest light. Doing this also re-progams your subconscious so you don’t keep unintentionally creating chaos in your life. For more information about the levels of consciousness and how higher frequencies exponentially affect the whole planet and it’s inhabitants, check out Dr. David Hawkins work at https://veritaspub.com/.

Believe it or not, the fabric of the organic universe is constructed out of unconditional love. Unfortunately, our 3D consciousness (The Ego) has gotten separated from that knowledge and the understanding of our unity with all that is. The ego, due to our disconnected and damaged DNA, does not let in the higher frequencies of light without first sublimating it’s power to the higher or divine self. When you reconnect to your soul with inner balance, you naturally gravitate to healing trauma and stuck emotions that are buried in your body. When these lower emotions are in control of aspects of self, we become consubstantial with the lower frequencies of shame, guilt and fear.
“Awakening is a series of softenings”- Richard Rudd, The Gene Keys
We must consciously allow these more refined frequencies of love, peace and joy in. Unfortunately, oftentimes we are not in consent with the more blissful energies. What we normally think of in terms of consent usually refers to “informed consent” which is listed as follows:

Regrettably, informed consent is a rarity at this point in our history. Due to controlling forces, frequently agendas are hidden due to manipulation of our consciousness. It is important to note that everything in your body and consciousness belongs to you. Every person has the right to command the authority of every function of their body.
Much of what we face in our day-to-day life is a result of implied consent. This is the result of our personal thoughts and their vibrational quality. According to Energeticsynthesis.com, the sum total of the body consciousness, thoughts, emotions, actions and behaviors equate into an overall frequency resonance. This overall frequency resonance is what decides Intent, Consent, and Structure for that person. As I have said before, everything you “consume” has a vibrational frequency from shame at the lowest, to enlightenment at the highest. Your physical location, choice of entertainment, food/drinks, and people you surround yourself affects this. Thought forms and self talk are an important part of your resonance field.
Due the law of attraction, you are attracting people and circumstances that are in resonance with your energetic field. For example, if you feel unworthy, you will attract people into your field that will mirror and uphold that belief. Thus, the vicious circle begins with your deepest thoughts and feelings being validated in the external. So if you look around and feel that you are a victim of your circumstances, it is time to examine your belief systems and daily habits. Through your intention, you have the power to unlock your self-imposed prison cell.
Where is the love? The answer is that it is all around you. Love is in your gratitude for each new day, for the appreciation of beauty in nature, the loyality of your friends and furry companions, and the Grace of the Divine/Organic Universe. Love can only be “realized” through your open heart that exudes joy and honoring of self and all of creation. When we follow the Golden Rule, we start attracting more of the good stuff in.
The Black Eyed Peas sum it up nicely :
”Man, you gotta have love just to set it straight
Take control of your mind and meditate
Let your soul gravitate to the love, y’all, y’all”…
We only got one world, one world
That’s all we got one world, one world.”
You may also be interested in the blog entitled “I Do Not Consent” written in October of 2021.
About the Author: Rebecca Paris, formerly Rebecca Becker, is a former advertising professional and VP of Marketing for United Way of Atlanta as well as an artist. She is the founder and Executive Director of raisingthevibe.org, and is now offering her services as a one-on-one Gene Keys and Spiritual Guide. In addition to blogging, Rebecca has authored the free Ebook, The Matrix Resurrections Unraveled, to unpack the nature of our reality exposed in this latest Matrix movie. Contact her through rebeccaparis.com to schedule a session or to purchase or commission a portrait or original art.