Learn Your Aura Personality Type
Free Zoom Event, Wednesday, March 16, 7:00 – 8:30 EDT
Your Aura, which is the energy field around your body, reflects the chi energies within the body. Laura and Jim from Adoratherapy will help you do the following:
- Assess your Aura, color personality, and impact on your how feel
- Heal & balance your chakras to increase performance and decrease stress and anxiety
- Create a soul aligned journey where you are not left behind
- Remember how to adore yourself and leverage your natural talents
- Include mindful practices during your day to feel better, anytime, anywhere
Special Gift: We are excited to give you an exclusive one time only discount code to cover the cost of Adoratherapy’s Chakra Discovery Kit, so during the presentation you can enjoy the seven scents and do the breathwork. Please note shipping is not included. If you attend the session, Adoratherapy will send you a $10 gift card to reimburse your shipping costs. The link and code will be provided after registering for the event.