Home Events The Red Pill Discussion

The Red Pill Discussion

Are You Ready for the Red Pill?

Join us for an esoteric discussion on the forces behind this reality.

(Your Zoom link will be sent the day of this free event)

Things are definitely not business as usual in our world and will never go back to the way they were.  The Bible refers to this time in history as the time of Revelations and many indigenous cultures have prophesied the time we are in as the end of an evolutionary cycle or 26,000-year procession of the equinoxes as we move into a new age.  Since we are all creator beings, it can be said that there is no truth and all truth because it is based on perspective.  That said,  Rebecca Paris and Robert Novak,  freshly back from a 5 1/2 week roadtrip including the Hierarchy of Light Conference in Mt. Shasta, will lead a discussion about our multi-dimensional reality and the spiritual dynamics taking place right now.  As always, it is important to use your own discernment and please come with an open mind. We would like this to be an interactive discussion versus a presentation.  Please send questions in advance to info@farfallah32.sg-host.com with the subject line,  “Red Pill” question.  We will also be entertaining questions posed during the event.




Sep 15 2021


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

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