Written By Rebecca Paris

More and more, I am seeing life like a metaphor. We play out on this stage, in the material world, experiences our soul needs in order to return “home” and find wholeness. Just like our bodies are always communicating with us, so are our daily life experiences and interpersonal relationships.
Here is a story that happened to me recently.
I went to our Property Association Office (POA) to pick up some packages. I often leave the car running and just jump out and get the packages. However, this time when I returned, I was shocked to find out that I was locked out of my car… with it running. My purse and phone were also inside😦.
The POA office was closed, but I did realize that someone was in the other room with a closed door. I opened the door to see if I could borrow her phone. She, apparently on a business Zoom call, immediately dismissed me before I could explain my emergency. I shut the door sheepishly and sat down. I got quiet and tuned into my higher self and asked for help.
After waiting for about 10 minutes, I was happy to see that a couple pulled up to get their packages. I asked to borrow their phone, but of course I didn’t even remember anybody’s phone number, because they are programmed into my phone. So, I had to ask this couple if they could give me a ride home up the mountain. They agreed and were not too far away. I realized that I didn’t know where my extra key fob was, so luckily AAA was able to unlock my car and the incident was solved pretty quickly.
The saga continues… Later in the week, I decided to purchase another key fob. Do you know how expensive those things are? So I sucked it up and ordered one from the dealer. When I picked it up, I realized that it wasn’t working. I had to make an appointment with them to have it programmed. It turned out that it just needed a new battery (energy). I was not charged (unintended pun), but had to patiently wait for 1 1/2 hours for them to figure it out.
Here are the symbols to me:
Car = my drive in life, vehicle to travel and adventure in
Keys = Conscious awareness
Money = Energy
Wallet = Identification
Phone = Connection to source/others
Additional Key Fob = Additional energy from my subconscious
Fob battery = Energy
So, here I was symbolically locked out of all of these important aspects in life. No wonder I panicked, especially since being “dislocated” is a shadow for me.
So what did I learn from my lock out experience?
I know from many tools including the Gene Keys that my core wound is the line 6 of “separation”, and “dislocation” is the shadow to my life’s work of orientation/unity. This experience was an analogy for being locked out of my connection to my Divine Source as well as the keys to my multidimensional consciousness/gifts and freedom to adventure.
- My first reaction was to barge in on someone’s Zoom call because I panicked. I later realized that I should not have assumed my “emergency” was more important than her call. No need to impinge on others too intrusively to get my needs met.
- I learned to quiet my mind and tune into my higher self.
- Help came, but I had to humbly ask for it when it arrived, not assuming they would offer.
- I got an additional key fob (more consciousness/energy), but it did not come without some trials. I had to be patient for the key to be repaired.
The Big Picture Insights
I believe we each choose our life experiences and circumstances before incarnation to bring all of ourselves “home”, and “re-member” the shadow aspects…especially them. Those parts of us, through our many lifetimes, and even our ancestors unfinished business, are basically walled off aspects of self that we have separated out from our conscious reality, in order to survive life. Much of this is due to what has happened for millennia on our planet and universe. It was too hard to feel, so we shut our heart down for good reason, and put on our armor to survive in this planet where we had to consume others’ energy, versus it being a direct conscious connection to the source of all life.
We are fortunate to live in this time of ascension, where we are able to integrate parts of our multidimensional selves that have been long forgotten, but causing havoc in our subconscious field creating our reality.
It is not always painless, but hopefully worth it in the end. If ever I can’t find my keys or lock myself out, I will now have an extra set, or more resources, to deal with the life as it comes up.
About the Author: Rebecca Paris, formerly Rebecca Becker, is a former advertising professional and VP of Marketing for United Way of Atlanta as well as an artist. She is the founder and Executive Director of Raising the Vibe, a 501 (C)(3) nonprofit, and is now offering her services as a one-on-one Gene Keys and Ascension Guide. In addition to blogging, Rebecca has authored the free Ebook, The Matrix Resurrections Unraveled, to unpack the nature of our reality exposed in this latest Matrix movie. Contact her through Rebeccaandrobert.net. to schedule a session.