As soon as we got out of the car in downtown Whitefish, Montana, we were inundated with cheers and honking and saw protest signs down the block. Of course we had to check it out. The guy with the mike was discussing our Bill of Rights and the Nuremberg Code and how three letter agencies and government officials we ignoring our rights. Something was resonating with the town of Whitefish as many honks and cheers of approval resounded. I immediately wondered why more of this isn’t going on in other places around the world….or maybe it is and we just don’t see it on the news.
Benjamin Rush, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, warned that medical freedom needed to be included in the American Constitution. His words have been embellished over the years with the popular quote, “Unless we put Medical Freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship”. The original words from an 1801 lecture at the University of Pennsylvania follow:
“….conferring exclusive privileges upon bodies of physicians, and forbidding men of equal talents and knowledge, under severe penalties from practicing medicine within certain districts of cities and countries. Such institutions, however sanctioned by ancient charters and names, are the bastiles of our science.”
The Nuremberg Code
In case you need a refresher, the tribunal at Nuremberg in 1947 as a result of the WWII atrocities enacted 10 codes that physicians must abide by in terms of experimental medical treatments. The first one reads as follows:
The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.
As the world continues to lock down again, many schools, workplaces and places of entertainment are mandating the shot. As you may remember, this is still considered experimental since it is not approved by the FDA, which makes these mandates in violation of the Nuremberg Code.
The Facts about Masks
In addition, schools and other places are again requiring masks. The real science, according to The Healthy American, has proven that healthy people should not wear masks. In addition, common sense will lead you to realize the following is true:
- Masks reduce intake of oxygen, leading to carbon dioxide toxicity
- Germs are trapped near your mouth and nose, increasing risk of infection
- Wearing a mask causes you to touch your face more frequently
- There is no scientific evidence that supports healthy people wearing masks
- Masks obscure your facial features and impede normal social interaction
- Masks make it hard for hearing-impaired people to understand you
- Masks symbolize suppression of speech
- And most importantly, masks do not prevent the spread of viruses.
The CDC is funded by private donors/corporations including vaccine manufacturers
Institutions and State Health Departments are following the CDC’s guidelines. Did you know that the CDC Foundation, linked with the CDC, is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3) public charity? Did you also know that Pfizer and S. C. Johnson and Son Inc., two makers of the “vaccine”, are in the top donation class to the CDC Foundation……hmmmm? Check it out for yourself here: www.cdcfoundation.org. Do we really want to be getting our mandates from those who will profit from these dictates?
All of this leads me to wonder why more people aren’t standing up for themselves and their children like the people of Whitefish. I believe there are many reasons for this. Here are a few:
- We have been trained for centuries to trust “authorities” such as government officials and doctors over our own gut instincts.
- Our goodness and virtue has been artfully turned on us. “It is our duty to protect others.”
- We have been trained to trust the media and are in fact brainwashed by it. On June 1, 2016, Forbes Magazine published an article with the following headline, “15 Billionaires Own America’s News Media Companies”. Is it possible that these billionaires have an agenda to influence your opinion?
- “Groupthink” sets in, which leads us to turn away from our own common sense in favor of what a group of others think.
We have gradually given up our freedom and rights like the frog being slowly boiled to death, as the parable portrays. The water that is slowly heating is in the form of weaponized narratives getting us to fight each other and obey the globalists. Remember that laws and morality are not necessarily one in the same. Bottom line, now is the time to think for yourself, trust your inner knowing and stand up for your rights. The future of the human race depends on it and we are running out of time. Please share this!
By: Rebecca Paris