Written By Rebecca Paris
When I describe the mission of Raising the Vibe, I often use the analogy of a camera lens. This non-profit’s mission is to open up your point-of-view, or consciousness, like widening the aperture of the camera lens. When we open up to other ideas of our reality, pushing our all-knowing ego to the side, we can bring in more love and light to activate our DNA. This in turn raises our vibration to a higher, more authentic level so we can experience a more positive reality. For more info on this click here.
Opening your lens is like pulling back from the issue and taking a larger perspective of what is going on. For example, if we are just zoomed into the view of one leaf we may get to know that one leaf intricately, but we don’t see how it is a part of a branch, tree and forest, all interconnected. When we look from a wider lens, opening to views different than ours or from other cultures, we have a chance to see the dynamics of the whole forest and beyond. Opening up our lens raises our consciousness. This is important in order to truly see and enact real change in our world. In fact, Albert Einstein said,
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created It.”
We all come into the world with our own viewpoint. It is programmed by our genetics and family/society, constantly being refined mostly by unconscious signals and frequencies. Many people live with a rather narrow perspective of the world in terms of religious beliefs, politics and overall world-view. In order to survive, our bio-computer brain is constantly scanning the environment and collecting what we experience, filing it into a category that we can understand. Due to the Law of Attraction, among other forces, we are drawn to what we already believe is true thus making our world a self-fulfilling prophesy. If we believe that we are unworthy and go out looking for that, evidence that we are unworthy will be perceived. If we think that our political party is the only one that can solve problems, this view will continue to be re-enforced. The universe is constantly reading our thoughts and energy field and bringing us what we believe to be true. However, most of this is done on an unconscious basis. Furthermore, Bruce Lipton, PhD, a renowned stem cell biologist, asserts that 95% of our manifested reality is based on our subconscious.
So what happens when we encounter something that is totally outside our frame of reference or neurological brain wiring? We have all experienced that uncomfortable feeling when cognitive dissonance hits. According to Psychology Today, cognitive dissonance is, “when one learns new information that challenges a deeply held belief, for example, or acts in a way that seems to undercut a favorable self-image. That person may feel motivated to somehow resolve the negative feeling that results—to restore cognitive consonance. Though a person may not always resolve cognitive dissonance, the response to it may range from ignoring the source of it to changing one’s beliefs or behavior to eliminate the conflict.”. If we are able to truly sit and work through our discomfort, it will create an opening for a broader perspective.
There are even certain words that cause a “mind-slide” or dissonance due to society’s programming, that immediately shuts down information. For example, when you hear the words “conspiracy theory”, “anti-vaxer” or “extraterrestrial” many people will immediately shut down and discard the information that follows instead of listening with an open mind. (This may be happening to you now, but please read on.). These words are intentionally programmed into us by the media as “untrue” so we block it out and go to a more comfortable way of being that supports our ego’s need to be included with the majority and follow the “science” or at least the version of “science” promoted in the mainstream. In 2013 Professor Lance Dehaven-Smith in a peer-reviewed book published by the University of Texas Press showed that the term “conspiracy theory” was developed by the CIA as a means of undercutting critics of the Warren Commission’s report that President Kennedy was killed by Oswald.
Also, why are alternative or natural health approaches labeled as quackery or , “anti-vax” and totally suppressed? The term ‘anti-vaxer ’ implies there’s only one solution to a problem (vaccines) and if anyone disagrees or even questions it, they are a threat to public health and society-at-large. Take a guess at who is behind the suppression and demonization of natural health proponents? (Hint: no natural remedy can be patented and thus profitable for Big Pharma.). The term “anti-vaxer” has been propagandized in the media for many years to seed the image of anti-science and to demonize and scapegoat this group. I believe they are following the classical tyrannical model, to divide us and label one group as “unsafe”. Sound familiar? To that point, did you know that some parts of Australia are now implementing Quarantine Camps for the unvaccinated.. For more background, see my blog, Are we Institutionalized?: Insights from the Shawshank Redemption., here.
I know I am going out on the proverbial limb here to continue my tree analogy, and what I am saying is refuted by mainstream media and the top articles on a Google search. I urge you to decide for yourself. When I look at an issue, I try to see the intention behind someone’s words and get an intuitive feel about the person/information and look at it with a wide angle. It is important to think about who stands to profit or gain more power or control. I urge you to applaud the brave people willing to stand against the powers that be and thus preserve your freedom, even if you don’t agree with them. Recognize that these doctors, frontline nurses and others going against the mainstream narrative have very little to gain and much to lose by speaking out against the company line. Do you really believe that these naturopaths, MDs, virologists, other scientists and people like me, who founded a non-profit to expand consciousness and elevate joy, are here to mislead you? You decide…it is your God-given right, but I recommend you widen the lens to see the “man behind the curtain”.
Photo: David Mancini Unsplash.
About the Author: Rebecca Paris, formerly Rebecca Becker, is a former advertising professional and VP of Marketing for United Way of Atlanta as well as an artist. She is the founder and Executive Director of Raising the Vibe, a 501 (C)(3) nonprofit, and is now offering her services as a Gene Keys and Spiritual Guide. In addition to blogging, Rebecca has authored the free Ebook, The Matrix Resurrections Unraveled, to unpack the nature of our reality exposed in this latest Matrix movie.