Most of you are probably familiar with Metatron’s Cube and the “Flower of Life”. These symbols are all over yoga studios, new age crystal shops and materials that say that they support ascension… but do they really? Have we really stopped to understand what these symbols represent?
This year has been one of deep introspection for me as well as extensive research into spiritual science. I have been guided to an amazing body of knowledge from the Emerald Order Guardian Alliance and want to share with you my discoveries for your own discernment. As always, take only what resonates with you for your own evolutionary path.
Five years ago, I had an awakening experience. I remember the moment that my higher self was speaking clearly to me when I realized there was much more to our world than the 3D mainstream narrative. I asked myself two questions:
- How does energy interact between people and all of creation?
- What do all religions throughout time and culture have in common?
I have continued this quest in earnest ever since. It has taken me down several rabbit holes. With each adventure, I have gained more discernment and have been exposed to many false light models, and believed in them, at least briefly. My increased consciousness and personal experience has led me to realize that much of religion and spirituality has been hijacked with “false light”. Why is there false light? Because your consciousness energy can be used to serve (really feed) other individuals or groups more aligned with the “Service to Self” model.
In my previous blogs and videos, I asserted that we are living in a “Matrix” or at the very least a “blended reality” which has been going on for thousands of years. It really comes down to an open source model (organic) vs. a closed consumptive model (inorganic/matrix) of reality. In the organic, regenerative model, we merge back to zero point (neutrality). With this “Kryst” model, we are truly free to explore and create though the real, eternal energetic connection to the Source of All Life. In the consumptive, inorganic model, which I believe is represented by Metatron’s Cube and the “Daisy of Death”, we must consume a finite amount of energy to continue to experience life on Earth. It is basically parasitic in nature. Almost all of our experiences so far have been the latter due to Earth’s morphogenetic field. This field is now changing and you have a choice of which spiral to ride.
What is the truth? It is hard to say and depends on your perspective, but I recently got answers to my two questions which resonate logically and intuitively with me.
1. How does energy interact between people and all creation?
My answer Keylontic Science. (Detailed information on how light and sound fields step down into density via the fission and fusion of partiki). This is a very scientific and a deep rabbit hole for the serious seeker.
2. What do all religions throughout time and culture have in common?
My answer. They all contain partial truths that were originally encrypted on the Holographic CDT plates.
If this resonates with you, I would suggest you check out Ireland Clark’s video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIh3x-WOsLo.. She shares the information originally brought through by E’sha Ashayana (AKA, Ashayana Deanne and Anna Hayes). Videos of Ashayana’s detailed teachings of Earth histories and Keylontic Science have now been reposted (previously censored and removed) on The Emerald Covenant YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY6viaKBqqD_aLqBzuN33dw. The teachings start in 1998. I would suggest you start with the Amenti series for the basics.
About the Author: Rebecca Paris, formerly Rebecca Becker, is a former advertising professional and VP of Marketing for United Way of Atlanta as well as an artist. She is the founder and Executive Director of Raising the Vibe, a 501 (C)(3) nonprofit, and is now offering her services as a one on one Gene Keys and Spiritual Guide. In addition to blogging, Rebecca has authored the free Ebook, The Matrix Resurrections Unraveled, to unpack the nature of our reality exposed in this latest Matrix movie.