Written By Rebecca Paris

I am sure you have heard the saying, “history repeats itself, or at least it rhymes”. There may be a good reason for this. As I have postulated before, we are co-creating our reality through our consciousness, like through a projector, but most of this projection comes from our subconscious. These programs, much like software code, were laid down primarily during the first 7 years of life, through absorbing the energy signature of our family. They were also coded during conception from our ancestors DNA, epigenetically, according to Bruce Lipton, Phd. History is repeating itself because we are re-living the same programs as our ancestors, thus playing a movie, or record album, in our current setting with a similar theme.
Have you ever noticed that familiar circumstances keep happening to you? For example, you drop one narcissist boyfriend to find out two months later, in the next relationship, that the traits are repeated. Although it may feel like a cruel joke from the universe, it is actually your energetic field bringing in what is resonant, mostly from the subconscious programs. It is bringing to your conscious attention what your lightbody is broadcasting into the field. It is another opportunity to make a conscious choice of what you do want to experience in life. As I like to remind my children, your life is the culmination of every single choice you have made. Your starting point is definitely based on your birth circumstances, in terms of family of origin; however, your DNA or starting point in life, does not dictate your life’s outcome. It is changeable based on your beliefs.
It has been coming in for several months that I should use the analogy of a vinyl record for this blog. If you are of a certain age, you will remember playing LPs. Fortunately, our younger generation has been exposed to them as well—a cool, retro vibe. The outer, or beginning of the record, is where we metaphorically start adult life. (I say adult life with the acknowledgement that many children resonate at a higher frequency, closer to their true essence, thus more evolved in some ways.) We are programed through our world (aka, the false matrix) to fit a certain mold. In our desire to fit in and belong, we accept the collective consciousness as our own, thus take on the densest frequency. This part of the record takes more time to go around the turntable. Like this beautiful piece of art in the main visual, Saatchiart.com, the outer song is red like the root chakra, the slowest oscillating color. This survival part of us is often in the victimization frequency, with the attitude, “life happens to me and there is nothing I can do about it”. This is similar to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which illustrates the climb up the pyramid from survival to enlightenment. Like the colors of the rainbow on our record album, we can change our frequency to the higher sound/light waves, which in turn offer more feelings of contentment, joy, wisdom and bliss.
Even if we were born into a secure family, we are imprinted with a primary core wound, according to The Gene Keys. Our shadow selves, imprinted physically (age 0-7), emotionally (age 7-14) and mentally (age 14-21), will most likely run the show until we become self aware and choose differently. As we evolve, we take control of some of these autopilot programs. When we are able to catch ourselves in the middle of an automatic response, and observe from a higher mind, we rewire the subconscious program. We therefore respond vs. react. At this stage, we are able to play the next song on the record of our life, which is a little higher in frequency.
When you are not self aware and don’t do the internal work, you will stay in the blame game assuming your distress is someone else’s fault. When you do this, you give your power away. Knowing that your reality is your holographic projector inside, illuminating the outer reality, you can change the movie. It does not help to go bang on the proverbial screen (outer reality), if you don’t like the movie that is playing in your life at the moment. Even in the craziness and absurdity of the world today, you can still be in your own reality bubble by choosing what frequencies you expose yourself to, (i.e., food/drugs, the company you keep, entertainment choices). They all have a frequency and affect your field.
Getting back to the record analogy, the idea is, even if we start at the outer edge (furthest away from our inner essence or God Self), we are always guided to be able to move forward and get closer to Eden, the center of the record, and our true being (higher self). Sometimes we progress through many songs in our personal album of life without a hitch, but then we become stuck. No matter how many times we attempt to move forward to the next “song” or stage of life, we keep replaying the same scene, albeit with different actors and possibly a different setting. One scene or song, probably not so pleasant, goes on repeat. This is because we may not have fully learned the lesson that it was trying to teach. The organic matrix is leading us to more of our authentic self, but sometimes the ego, or false self, will not release control and we become rigid in a belief system that will not let us move forward. It often comes in as self righteousness.
Life becomes powerful when we fully get out of victimization and move towards activation. At this stage, we become responsible for our own attitude and realize we our co-creators of this world. Our album then leads us to inspiration and enlightenment. (Source: Wholistic.com)
I love this quote about enlightenment:
“People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”
― Carl Jung, “Psychology and Alchemy”
So no matter where you are on your record of life, or how many “songs” you have absorbed through self-awareness and a willingness to look at your own soul, the universe will continue to support you. Each song that you have truly listened to will allow more wholeness to be integrated into your body. When you finish your record, it will not just spin in perpetuity making a static-like sound, but The Divine will gently glide you through the center hole back into unconditional love, the underlying fabric of the universe.
Suggested reading: The Matrix Resurrections Unraveled and Let’s Get Real
About the Author: Rebecca Paris, formerly Rebecca Becker, is a former advertising professional and VP of Marketing for United Way of Atlanta as well as an artist. She is the founder and Executive Director of raisingthevibe.org, and is now offering her services as a one-on-one Gene Keys and Spiritual Guide. In addition to blogging, Rebecca has authored the free Ebook, The Matrix Resurrections Unraveled, to unpack the nature of our reality exposed in this latest Matrix movie. Contact her through rebeccaparis.com to schedule a session or to purchase or commission a portrait or original art.