Written By Rebecca Paris
As a resident of Western North Carolina, 40 minutes east of Asheville in the greater Old Fort area, I appreciate the tremendous outpouring of concern and support for me personally and all affected by Hurricane Helene in the region. Here is a recap of my thoughts/emotions over the last two weeks as it may strike a chord with how you are feeling and provide some support. Also I have provided some good local donation options if you are interested.
My First Reaction...How Does This Affect Me?
When this first hit, I was unaware of the severity and was preoccupied with my personal circumstances. I was scheduled to fly out of Asheville to Boulder on Friday, September 27 for a Gene Keys seminar that I had booked 3 months prior. I actually thought that I might ...
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Written By Rebecca Paris
Fighting never leads to peace
Neutrality seems contrary to some of the things we have heard all of our lives, like we have to "fight evil" or "wage a war" on drugs. We take a position that we think is right. In fact, who would take a stand not thinking it was right? This begs the question of how we can all be right when opinions are in direct opposition with others? Belief systems, most of them inherited by our family, continue on unchecked until we get an opportunity to question/deeply examine them from a fresh perspective. As some of the great sages have said, when we are “against” something it just creates the same negative force in our own lives. Countless times rebels have fought established governments for freedom, and when they successfully overthrow the dictator, they become a different version of the same...
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Written By Rebecca Paris
The title of this blog, inspired by the Black Eyed Peas 2003 song, seems more relevant than ever right now. Remember the chorus?
People killin', people dyin'
Children hurtin', hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach?
And would you turn the other cheek?
Father, father, father, help us
Send some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questioning
Where is the love?
As I look around the world at large, it is a fair question. However, no matter what the collective conscious (or more aptly the collective unconscious) is creating, you can tune your antenna to a different station and dramatically affect the world by elevating your consciousness. What I keep realizing is that attitude is the key (see poem below). For every event that happens in our life, we have the power to reframe it in it’s highest light. Doing this also re-progams your subconscious so you don’t...
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Written By Rebecca Paris
It has been a long time since I have reached out! My summer was packed full of traveling, from short getaways to see family, to an international adventure to experience an ancient site. (See pics and info on the Bosnian Pyramids here). One roadtrip included my high school reunion. A highlight of that trip involved visiting my high school in Charleston Il. The tour was complete when we were able to sit in our old Driver's Ed simulators (picture below). Yes, they still had the same ones!
On the way to the reunion, I was drawn to visit places my ancestors lived. These experiences included looking up old addresses and finding run down homes in place of the well-kept photographic images from 50 or more years ago...
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Written By Rebecca Paris
I am sure you have heard the saying, “history repeats itself, or at least it rhymes”. There may be a good reason for this. As I have postulated before, we are co-creating our reality through our consciousness, like through a projector, but most of this projection comes from our subconscious. These programs, much like software code, were laid down primarily during the first 7 years of life, through absorbing the energy signature of our family. They were also coded during conception from our ancestors DNA, epigenetically, according to Bruce Lipton, Phd. History is repeating itself because we are re-living the same programs as our ancestors, thus playing a movie, or record album, in our current setting with a similar theme.
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Written By Rebecca Paris
Recently I was reminded of the book, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. This heartwarming children’s book actually is a pretty dynamic portrayal of codependency. Psychology Today describes codependency as follows:
Codependency is a dysfunctional relationship dynamic where one person assumes the role of “the giver,” sacrificing their own needs and well-being for the sake of the other, “the taker.” The bond in question doesn’t have to be romantic; it can occur just as easily between parent and child, friends, and family members. - Psychology Today
The term “codependency” first appeared in substance abuse circles to describe a lopsided relationship that has been consumed and controlled by...
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Written By Rebecca Paris
Are you consistently saying yes to things you want to say no to? Or, are you not even sure how you feel and auto pilot takes over? Well…your body knows. A “no” feels like constriction and may be accompanied by shallow breathing. You will probably feel a vague sense of unease when you are in the situation or just thinking about it.
What is showing up for me right now is the importance of boundaries and self love. This theme has been presenting itself over the last several months in different variations. It seems I am being tested in diplomatically walking the tight rope between honoring self and meeting the needs of others.
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Written By Rebecca Paris
More and more, I am seeing life like a metaphor. We play out on this stage, in the material world, experiences our soul needs to return “home” and find wholeness. Just like our bodies are always communicating with us, so are our daily life experiences and interpersonal relationships.
Here is a story that happened to me recently:
I went to our Property Association Office (POA) to pick up some packages. I often leave the car running and just jump out and get the packages. However, this time when I returned, I was shocked to find out that I was locked out of my car… with it running. My purse and phone were...
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Written By Rebecca Paris
Are we currently living in a blended reality, one organic/natural, and the other synthetic/artificial? I assert that we are. When I think of natural vs. artificial, the idea of organic sugar compared artificial sweetener comes to mind. One comes from the earth and the natural order of things, and one is created in a lab, like the robot above. I have recently come to realize that there is a part of us that is organic, connected to prime creator and nature’s intelligence system. This part of us is full of life and is founded upon unconditional love, purity, freedom and creation. There is also a part of us attached to the false matrix and AI.
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Written By Rebecca Paris
If you are reading this blog, you have most likely been there…flat out exhausted caring for others before tending to your own needs. This may be caring for children, elderly parents, clients or friends before taking care of yourself. Somehow being a martyr was promoted as a good thing. Unfortunately, all martyrdom does is get you out of the sync with the natural energetic laws of the universe.
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Written By Rebecca Paris
Why I decided to discard all objects with Metatron’s Cube and the “Flower of Life” Symbols
Most of you are probably familiar with Metatron’s Cube and the “Flower of Life”. These symbols are all over yoga studios, new age crystal shops and materials that say that they support ascension… but do they really? Have we really stopped to understand what these symbols represent?
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Written By Rebecca Paris
Hope you are enjoying your summer!
I recently purchased a new computer and took the opportunity to clean out old files and organize everything. What a great feeling. I was able to take a "journey" through the different phases of my life that were captured in these computer files. I reminisced about the volunteer jobs I had after I left my 9 - 5, as well as all of the chapters in my children's lives. I ran across a poem written by my daughter when she was a teenager called, "Surrender to the Tide".
As Raising the Vibe continues to evolve and adapt to our changing world, we have decided to eliminate the General Member category. Since our mission is to expand consciousness, we have been hesitant to make all or even a portion of the content for "members only". In addition, current members may have noticed that the Paypal auto debit for renewal has been disabled a few months ago as well. Your money is directed energy, and reoccurring subscriptions sometimes sneak up, so Raising the Vibe wants to make sure that all donations are intentional.
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Happy Easter! As we celebrate ascension today, it is a good time to reflect on releasing the blocks that hold us in the small self, so we can ascend to higher consciousness. A key to integrating the parts of us (shadow selves) that are circling the lower vibes is being present and attuned to what is showing up in our daily life. When we feel a strong emotional reaction to something, it is a clue that our subconscious wants us to recognize a wounded, fearful part of ourselves to integrate back in so we can become whole. Detachment and surrender are good ways to do this.
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As per usual, what is showing up in my life as a theme is often the subject of my monthly blog. Most of you are familiar with the famous Buddha quote:
We are not just attached to people and objects, we are attached to all of these things as this visual shows. We may be attached to our opinion or get stuck in a rut with our routine. One way to help with many of these attachments is to stop identifying with our small self or ego. (Read the rest by clicking title.)
Do you often feel like a victim? Do you feel that life is unfair and that you got the wrong end of the deal? Do you think there is at least one abuser in your life? Or, do you feel you would be much happier and successful if “these” people would stop taking advantage of you? If so, you may be projecting victim consciousness. (Read the rest by clicking title.)
Check out our presentation, "Learn Your Aura Personality" with Jim and Laura from Adoratherapy. (Read the rest by clicking title.)
The recording of Diana Clark, using her family's unique Gaelic Lenormand cards, is now on the home page of Raisingthevibe.org. She discusses the forecast for 2022 and techniques to find inner peace.
Happy New Year! Thank you so much for your support of Raising the Vibe last year. We reached over 4,000 unique visitors through the raisingthevibe.org website, hosted 8 Zoom events and supported our members with weekly small group Zoom circles the first half of the year.
As we start a new year, in addition to setting intentions/resolutions for yourself, you may want to contemplate your relationship first to self, and then to others and to Mother Earth/nature. Don’t judge yourself harshly, but honestly assess where you are with patience and gentleness. Awareness is the first step to any improvement in your life. Take some time to pause and reflect on these questions.
..."There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water." - Hopi Elders ...
My desk lamp (from Pottery Barn) is an inspiration…really, read on. What unconsciously attracted me is the strong iron core from base to top that connects to the light. It is made of transparent crystal signifying honesty and integrity with nothing to hide. What you see on the outside is what is on the inside, no distortions. My light is deeply grounded in the earth, but connects strongly upward. Even though it’s transparency can be vulnerable, it is protected with the hard crystal, not allowing energy that is not suited to...
After our wine tasting expedition in Sonoma, Ca, we settled in to watch some TV. The Shawshank Redemption came on. It was a great movie by many accounts, including the lengths that Andy Dufresne, (Tim Robbins) went to feel truly alive and free. He spent a month in “the hole” for playing “Duettino Sull'aria” a piece of opera music, over the loudspeakers for the entire prison to hear.
Andy Dufresne: “That's the beauty of music....
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Did you know you have an Etheric energy body that surrounds your physical body? The Etheric energy system delivers energy to your physical body to generate your life experiences. It is connected to the emotional energy system and the mental energy system...
What does it mean to be in balance: body, mind and soul? If your body was in homeostasis would it allow anything in to disturb it? I have recently been intrigued with the study of Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory...
I am often amazed how the synchronicities in the Universe play out. Today was one of those days when I realized that two of my favorite spiritual teachers, Oracle Girl (Jacqueline Hobbs) and Darshana Patel both did talks on how Identities keep you locked in the same night that Robert and I presented a similar subject to Raising the Vibe (see home page for video)...
Why did you start this organization? How has it grown or changed over time?
RTV started as a non-denominational spiritual book club in February 2018 with about 8 members. Led by Rebecca Becker, the group soon grew to over 20 members and began a closed group Facebook page named Raising the Vibe. Through a network of friends, RTV invited the Atlanta-based author of one of the club’s books to speak at the meeting in January 2019. Thus the “RTV Speaker Series” was born. Soon thereafter, the monthly book club meetings morphed into the “RTV Small Groups,” which are more intimate gatherings with lively discussions. By the spring of 2019, the group leaders felt inspired to go a step further and create a non-profit organization with the goal of developing mindful leaders in our community. RTV’s 501c3 status was finalized in April 2019. On May 6, 2019, RaisingTheVibe.org was launched. ....
Want more information or to connect? Simply contact us by email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.