The short answer to this question could be: not using the right type of love for the situation or thinking that being a martyr is a type of love.
If you are reading this blog, you have most likely been there…flat out exhausted caring for others before tending to your own needs. This may be caring for children, elderly parents, clients or friends before taking care of yourself.
Somehow being a martyr was promoted as a good thing. Unfortunately, all martyrdom does is get you out of the sync with the natural energetic laws of the universe. To be in harmony, there must be a balance between giving and receiving. If we give away all of our energy we will not be of service to anyone else, much less ourselves. When we close the channels to receiving, most likely on an unconscious basis, we close the conduit for receiving Source or Divine energy as well. In addition, martyrdom often creates anger and resentment when ultimately the ones you are serving just can’t appreciate you enough. Most times they didn’t even ask you do so much for them in the first place. Martyrdom often comes from a place of wanting to feel needed and loved.
Martyrdom is not a demonstration of Love, It is an exhibit of Love Deprivation. The remedy for Martyrdom is Omni-Love. – MCEO Freedom Teachings
I remember reading Stephen Covey’s “Seven Habits of Highly Successful People” book when I was in my late twenties. One habit I remember the most was that one must spend time “sharpening the saw” to be able to do work. That means look out for your own needs first. I am not advocating being “selfish” , which would be looking out for the “ego’s needs” and using other people’s energy to do so. Self love is different from that. To me, it means to honor the Divine in you. It is to know your worth and not be subservient to authority figures, or think other people or things are more important than yourself.
According to MCEO Freedom Teachings, “Love is the result of the condition of vibrational harmonization or co-resonance of consciousness between the Lover and the Beloved. At-One-Ment with God/Source creates absolute or unconditional love that holds the structure of the Cosmos together. All conditions of disease, conflict, pain and anguish are the direct result of vibrational dissonance of the individual consciousness with the God Mind. “ These teachings break down love into 4 postures:
4 Postures of Love
- Soft Love: Kind, nurturing and gentle
- Tough Love: Kind, nurturing and assertive
- Self Love: Honoring the divinity within self
- Omni-Love: Honoring the divinity within all (self mastery)
Healing can be actuated through many modalities and extremely enhanced if the facilitator is bringing through Omni-Love. Remembering these postures of love can help in your personal relationships or with clients.
When do I use each posture of love?
Soft Love: This is true open-hearted, vulnerable engagement. It is soft, loving and nurturing. This is perfect to use with someone who has achieved a certain level of spiritual mastery and takes responsibility for his or her own situation. However, this will not work with some people because of the wounding and trauma that they carry, especially those who don’t realize that we each are responsible for our own reality to a certain extent.
Tough Love: While also kind and nurturing, tough love puts up personal boundaries when interacting with people who have a great need for emotional healing work. If boundaries are crossed, there will be a need to assertively address the issue and administer consequences. Those people that see themselves as victims and tend to blame others may be better served by tough love. Many of us, I am sure, can attest to opening our hearts and just being used as a “battery” or worse, when we open to the people who don’t have spiritual maturity and accept responsibility for themselves. Tough love can be tricky if we don’t honor and love ourselves enough to put up a boundary. We can become a door mat for others. Tough love is not a place to spew anger/vent on another, but being assertive with our “no’s”.
Self Love: Recognizing the divinity within self. Self Love respects your own feelings and desires so you may better love others. Why is this one so hard? We have been programmed in our society through shame, blame and guilt to honor others before ourselves. We have also been programmed to feel “less than” authority figures such: as government officials, religious leaders, doctors and Phd’s. If we loved ourselves, we would recognize that we are all divine, and through our own knowing we could direct our lives.
Omni Love: 12 dimensional or Christed Love. Knowing that all things and beings are simultaneous expressions of the One Self/God Source. A state of total vibrational frequency/co resonance with the Cosmos. It is all postures of love combined and is the strongest healing force. This one, however challenging, should the goal of humans on the Ascension path. This is the ultimate love, to know yourself as all that is and be in resonant with unconditional love for all creations. To do this we must first address our trauma and subconscious beliefs that have been with us since childhood, or that we have picked up from our ancestors or other incarnations.
In summary, love is really the answer, but it is important to choose the right type for each situation.
Source: The Emerald Covenant Masters Templar Stewardship Initiative, A&A Deane as a part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings.
About the Author: Rebecca Paris, formerly Rebecca Becker, is a former advertising professional and VP of Marketing for United Way of Atlanta as well as an artist. She is the founder and Executive Director of Raising the Vibe, a 501 (C)(3) nonprofit, and is now offering her services as a one-on-one Gene Keys and Spiritual Guide. In addition to blogging, Rebecca has authored the free Ebook, The Matrix Resurrections Unraveled, to unpack the nature of our reality exposed in this latest Matrix movie.